What's like to study Antropology
I study anthropology at the University of Chile in the Faculty of Social Sciences, before that I studied Psychology for a few years and I quit because I had a very deep vocational crisis some time ago. After a sabbatical year I decided to enter Anthropology because I have always been interested in how the human being develops in his context of life in society and in terms of culture. Due to the pandemic, the classes during this time have been totally online, which although it has been able to supplement the learning process a bit for me, it has not been enough, since spending long hours in front of the computer every day has ended up exceed in some moments. My concentration tends to be lower and lower and I can't help but compare the processes with my old career, since I feel that presence is a very important factor that affects learning itself and other things such as relationships with my classmates. I hope that the pandemic will end soon so that I can meet my classmates that...