Post 8: English Language Challenges

English has always been something that’s been very present in my life since I was little. First I learned it in school together with its deepening in some extracurricular courses, and now in the university.

I think it’s very good that english is considered in the curricular program, since it’s a language that opens many doors to the future and allows access to other professional aspects, added to the great importance and consideration that’s being taken to handle it. In the case of the blogs, I feel that they’ve been an important tool to develop and improve the writing and handling of words at the time of writing, in addition to being very useful to practice the way in which sentences are formed along the way throughout the text.

Regarding things to improve, I feel when I have to speak I need to improve the modulation of words, since generally all the English with which I interact are things that I read or listen to and I never feel the need to speak it, so I feel that I should practice it more so when I need it I can do it well.

Outside of English class, I usually use it a lot when I play video games and when I watch movies or series, I usually put them in their original language and english subtitles since I feel that this way I am constantly practicing it and I understand in a better way how words and sentences are structured.   


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