
Post 8: English Language Challenges

English has always been something that’s been very present in my life since I was little. First I learned it in school together with its deepening in some extracurricular courses, and now in the university. I think it’s very good that english is considered in the curricular program, since it’s a language that opens many doors to the future and allows access to other professional aspects, added to the great importance and consideration that’s being taken to handle it. In the case of the blogs, I feel that they’ve been an important tool to develop and improve the writing and handling of words at the time of writing, in addition to being very useful to practice the way in which sentences are formed along the way throughout the text. Regarding things to improve, I feel when I have to speak I need to improve the modulation of words, since generally all the English with which I interact are things that I read or listen to and I never feel the need to speak it, so I feel that I should pra...

Post 7: Changes to my study program

(FACSO, my faculty that I stil don't know) I started the career of anthropology in 2020 and I am currently studying in the 2nd year, so I do not know the program of subjects in its entirety so I do not know if I could comment much. One thing is that I feel that the approach that is given does not take much into account the mention of physical anthropology in the early years, and is much more focused on deepening in social anthropology and a little in archeology. That would be the big flaw that I can see with respect to the academic program, however, there are a couple of things that have bothered me throughout these intense semesters in the online mode. One of the things that have bothered me the most in this regard is that it seems that the academic load is much heavier under this modality. Before, I studied psychology in person for a few years and although it had its difficulties like any university degree, it is the first time that I feel so tired and exhausted. Added to thi...

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

I think doing a postgraduate degree is very useful to deepen knowledge about certain specific areas that are of interest. In addition, it allows professionals to take on a different and more qualified workload, which is why it can increase remuneration levels. I would like to do some specialization in biological and forensic anthropology, the ideal would be to do it outside the country since I would like to learn more languages ​​while I am abroad and traveling. There are many universities that I could access, one is the University of Granada and there is a postgraduate degree in biological/forensic anthropology. It would be good to be able to do it, since I have relatives in Spain and the language would not present a major problem. Another similar one that I found is a master in forensic anthropology and archeology at Bournmouth University, UK. It would be interesting to be able to access but I would need a scholarship since the cost is very high for me, both for this and for othe...

Post 5: My Future Job

When I think of a job that I may have in the future, I think of one that allows me to balance my profession with other aspects of my life and allows me to improve both personally and professionally, with real possibilities of promotion and meeting people who can contribute to my training and development. With this I hope that this job does not promote individuality or competition among its workers and supports teamwork. In addition to this, I would like a job outdoors but at the same time have an office-type place where I can organize and manage everything. I imagine it as a spacious place when I can concentrate on what I am doing. About the salary, the ideal would be that it can allows me to live calmly and without borrowing debts if it is not necessary and allows me to generate savings to be able to use them later. If this job gave me the opportunity to travel I would do it happily, hopefully to complement and improve what I have already learned. I hope once I finish my undergr...

What's like to study Antropology

I study anthropology at the University of Chile in the Faculty of Social Sciences, before that I studied Psychology for a few years and I quit because I had a very deep vocational crisis some time ago. After a sabbatical year I decided to enter Anthropology because I have always been interested in how the human being develops in his context of life in society and in terms of culture. Due to the pandemic, the classes during this time have been totally online, which although it has been able to supplement the learning process a bit for me, it has not been enough, since spending long hours in front of the computer every day has ended up exceed in some moments. My concentration tends to be lower and lower and I can't help but compare the processes with my old career, since I feel that presence is a very important factor that affects learning itself and other things such as relationships with my classmates. I hope that the pandemic will end soon so that I can meet my classmates that...

The pandemic situation

The covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a series of problems such as the loss of many jobs and adaptation to circumstances in order to survive. This situation is complex because the restriction of freedoms such as going outside is an important factor to prevent the spread of the virus, but there are people who have to be forced to go out to survive. Another problem that can be seen is the increase in the crisis in mental health, since if before there were figures that indicated that in our population there was a very high rate of depression, due to the pandemic these have increased, added to the fear generated towards the contagion. As I continue immersed in this situation, it’s difficult for me to think about what it will be like afterwards, since I see everything with a lot of uncertainty. However, I believe that some things that have been integrated into our daily lives will remain, such as the constant use of masks when we go out to the street and working by remote connection, si...

My best vacation ever

One of the best vacations I’ve ever had and that I remember mostly is a trip to Concón that we made with some friends from my previous career in summer 2019. A friend has an apartment there and it is a very special place since we generally go there every vacation since we met. That summer was particularly special because it was the first time that the whole group was together and no one was missing, so the experience itself was very nice. That time we stayed for 2 weeks and taking advantage of the proximity we also went to Viña del Mar and Valparaíso on some occasions. One of the activities that we did many times and for me is one of the most significant was to go to the Concón dunes and spend the whole afternoon talking, singing and drinking (with responsibility obviously) having a really good time together. We ended up full of sand on the way back and had to take a shower when we arrived, but seeing how the sun was hiding in the sea from the top of those dunes made everything tot...